
My Thailand Experience

Hey everyone,

So last week I went to Thailand with my brother-in-law and sister. I am writing this blog to share my experience with Thailand.

Day 1

So after like 3 hours flight we reached Bangkok, from there we took the cab to Pattaya which was almost 1 hour 45 minutes ride. We didn’t do anything interesting in Bangkok as we already had plans for Pattaya. So when we reached our hotel in Pattaya, there was an Indian restraunt right infront of our hotel so it solved our food problem if we didn’t liked the food there.

View from Centara Nova Hotel View from Centara Nova Hotel 2

So after having some rest and food, we left our hotel to see the cabaret show.

Cabaret show Cabaret show

The show was interesting, and honestly the only times I understood what was going on was when they played musics in hindi or english 😅.

After the show we walked to the beach side cafe to chill there and enjoy the view and have some alcohol.

beach cafe

And then we started walking back to our hotel and I don’t know why but we took the path from Thailand’s famous walking street 💀.

walking street

Walking street was interesting and weird as f…

I don’t have words to define the walking street.

Day 2

So we left for some more beaches and fun.

begin the beach

We took the boat to Coral Islands and we had sea walk there. So sea walk is basically casually walking under the ocean, it is not like scuba.

sea walk

It was fun, I now know why my boy Percy loves to be under the ocean so much.

Later that day we also went to Mini Siam. This place has miniature of important places from across the world.

mini siam

Day 3

We visited the floating market.

floating market

I bought some souvenirs for me and my friends from here. For me it was a bookmark as you all know that I like to read even if its only fiction books.

We also visited the sanctuary of truth which was way better than the floating market.

sanctuary of truth

That night, we stayed a lot longer at the beach and also got drunk.

beach night

Day 4

We left Pattaya for Bangkok as it was our last day in Thailand. After another 1 hour 45 minutes drive, we reached our hotel and goodness this hotel was way better than the one we stayed in Pattaya.

We got freshed up and left the hotel for the cruise we planned for. Surprisingly, mainly for me and other Percy Jackson fans that the cruise’s name was Princess Andromeda. If you have read the Percy Jackson books then you know what is the significance of this ship :)


In the end, I would say that Thailand is a country which you don’t want to visit multiple times or even like to settle down. It’s mostly a party country where your only purpose is to party and nothing else.

Anyways thanks for reading till here, I will see you in the next blog so till then take care.